
How Satan Works

Satan is evil and seeks to lead humans astray from righteousness and the knowledge of Jesus Saving Grace and guidance of God’s Holy Spirit. Here's a general overview of how Satan often operates against humans

Deception and Temptation: Satan often uses deception and temptation to lead humans away from what is considered morally right or spiritually beneficial. This can involve enticing individuals with promises of power, pleasure, or material gain in exchange for compromising Godly values and principles.

Exploiting Weaknesses: Satan is believed to exploit human weaknesses, such as pride, greed, lust, or anger, to manipulate individuals into making choices that are harmful to themselves or others. By appealing to these vulnerabilities, Satan can gradually lead individuals down a path of moral decay or spiritual destruction.

Creating Doubt and Confusion:Another tactic Satan uses is sowing doubt and confusion in the minds of individuals regarding God’s promises, their beliefs, values, or faith. By undermining trust in God’s guidance or spiritual truths, Satan can weaken a person's resolve and make them more susceptible to his influence.

Inciting Division and Conflict: Satan often creates division, discord, and conflict among humans. By promoting hatred, prejudice, or discord, Satan can disrupt harmonious relationships and communities, leading to strife, animosity, and suffering.

Opposing Virtue and Righteousness: Satan; by his nature is opposed to virtues such as love, compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness. He seeks to undermine these qualities in humans and promote selfishness, cruelty, and strife instead.

Distracting from Spiritual Growth:Satan distracts humans from pursuing spiritual growth, enlightenment, or a deeper connection with the true God and His Christ; our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. By enticing individuals with worldly pursuits or trivial concerns, Satan can divert their attention away from matters of spiritual significance.

Promoting Sin and Evil: Ultimately, Satan promotes sin, evil, and wrongdoing in the world. Whether through direct influence or subtle manipulation, Satan seeks to lead humans away from goodness, righteousness, moral integrity, and the love of God.

Satan is The Evil In Our World.