
Praying Psalm 1

Heavenly Father In this world of chaos and hearts filled with rebellion, I turn to You, my refuge and strength. I see the nations raging, and the rulers plotting against You and Your anointed. But I take solace in Your sovereignty,

knowing that You sit enthroned above it all, laughing at the futile attempts of humanity to defy Your will. You have declared Your Son, Jesus Christ, as King over all creation, seated at Your right hand in heavenly places.

In Him, I find my hope and salvation. Your decree resounds in my heart, affirming that Jesus is indeed Your Son, begotten from eternity past. Lord, as You have promised, I ask for the nations to be brought into submission to Your Son.

May His kingdom extend to the ends of the earth, breaking down the barriers of sin and rebellion with a rod of iron. Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In light of Your majesty and power,

I humble myself before You. Grant me wisdom to serve You faithfully and joyfully, always mindful of Your holiness and the consequences of straying from Your ways. May I wholeheartedly trust in You, finding blessed assurance in Your unfailing love and grace.

Thank You, Lord, for the privilege of placing my trust in You. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.