
Why Demons Fear Intercessors

I want to start with a dream I had that gave me some revelation about demonic forces. In this dream I was standing by a large military truck. The type that many troops would ride in the back.

Only this truck was a monster truck in height. In the back was many AMERICAN soldiers that were prisoners. I yelled up to them “Hey throw me a SAW and I will fight to free you. A SAW is a Squad Automatic Weapon that is belt fed with many rounds.

There were many Chinese troops around and I didn’t want to have to reload. As the truck started to pull away, they kicked me out a large bundle of weapons and gear that was bound together. I was struggling to free up a weapon as the Chinese started to shoot at me.

I got an old M 1 Grand free from the bundle, but the strap was so tight I could not load it. Finally, after loosening the strap, I got a magazine in and was about to engage the enemy. By now they were at the door of a building rushing the AMERICAN troops inside.

I ran inside after them only to find a group of Chinese civilians walking around smiling and greeting me very friendly. Now my M 1 Grand turned into the SAW I originally asked for and I was in a AMERICAN Military uniform. I started looking for the AMERICAN Soldiers to free them.

I started seeing other AMERICAN soldiers that was collaborators helping the Chinese. I entered what appeared to be a shower area and was rudely pushed by a Chinese soldier that believed I was a collaborator and obviously had no respect for me. I continued looking for the AMERICAN Soldiers that were prisoners.

I was still hoping I could free them. I entered an area that had many AMERICAN citizens laying around sick and week, most covered with blankets. I removed the blanket from A stack of bodies. There was A man and woman under the blanket. They were very week and dyeing.

I asked where the AMERICAN soldiers were being kept. Then I felt 2 hands touch my sides from behind, and the man I had uncovered struggled to say just stay still they will inject you then leave you alone.

I said I cannot allow that and I quickly turned around. Then one of the men tried to stab me but missed; and stabbed a second guy that was next to him. My SAW turned into a large blade weapon and I began stabbing and hacking the 2 men.

I continued to look for the AMERICAN soldiers knowing I needed their help to carry all the civilians to safety. I was walking through the area that had all the Chinese civilians, I was covered in blood but they could not see me. Then I was standing in a dark hallway. In front of me was A scary looking demon talking to 3 men.

The demon had a metal breast plate that had the words' Destroyer of the Hebraic Covenant engraved in it. The 3 men was telling the demon about a Chinese leader that wanted to meet him. I was surprised that the demon being very cautious said yes, him, I can meet. I immediately woke from the dream.

The breastplate and the extreme caution the demon had about meeting someone stuck with me when I woke. Then I laughed then started my day. For the next 12 hours I could not get the image of the demon out my head, or the thought of how cautious he was about human interaction. Finally, I just got on my knees and prayed about it.

I felt led to ask the Holy Spirit to pray through me, the prayer was coming against a demon that was against the Abrahamic promise to give the land of Israel to the Jews. I was calling for God to send forth Micheal the chief angel over God’s chosen people. I was proclaiming this demon bound in the name of Jesus. Then the prayer stopped and suddenly, I felt tingly and a feeling of emptiness.

It felt like something was taken out of me. Then I started to pray for the Holy Spirit to fill that emptiness as I was a little scared about the feeling. Then about the same time I said to myself, wait, the Holy Spirit was praying. Then I got the heartfelt sense that the dream was A message to pray against that demon.

I had ignored that prompting for about 12 hours. The emptiness I felt was that burden being released as I had done what I was called to do in the dream. As I realized this there was a lot of revelation given to me about the dream. To start I was trying to physically fight a spiritual battle in the flesh.

I was distracted with worldly weapons and seeking to free prisoners of a physical war. Mostly it was revealed to me how the more powerful demons have to be careful who they interact with because believers in Jesus Christ have the ability to bind their activity.

I then was given the message that God’s people get distracted from the spiritual war by fighting worldly battles. Battles over Congressional bills, protest about land, and even phrases like Merry Christmas or Happy holidays when there is no biblical way to prove when Jesus’ birthday is, or a biblical call to celebrate it.

The enemy distracts us with emotional turmoil and fighting the very people we are to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ to. When we should be praying for the Holy Spirit to reach out to people, we are choosing to argue with them.

When we should be binding demonic forces influencing unbelievers, we are pushing them farther from the love of Jesus by offending them with arguments and verbal attacks. This is not how we win souls for our Lord.

Scripture says A person offended is harder to win than A gated city. The weapons of our warfare are not physical but mighty through prayer. What we bind on Earth is bound in Heaven, what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. First bind the strong man and you can spoil his goods.

When we face all these types of situations, we should first bind the demonic forces behind them, we should then pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of our enemies. We should then only speak about the love of Jesus Christ and forgiveness of sins through His work on the cross.

Once they have the message, and the Holy Spirit convicts them, they will either come to accept Jesus, or God will start the chastisement to bring them to their knees. Please; truly give this some thought for it is, our service to the Lord to win souls, not conflicts.

If you agree, that we should fight in the power of the Holy Spirit type Jesus is Lord in the comments below.