
Finding God's Will For Yor Life

This topic seams to evade most believers ability to figure it out, and this creates a lot of stress and false teaching in the Body of Christ. We hear things like just ask God, and if God does not tell you than it means you are not willing to do it. That just does not make any sense as God knows how to get us where He wants us to be step by step. That being said; here is how you find God’s will for your life.

First let’s examine what the Body of Christ is supposed to do.
1. We are to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. We are to minister to people’s needs.
3. We are to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
4. We are to conduct ourselves in A Godly manner, which includes keeping our bodies sanctified to the Lord.
5. We are to study the Word of God to show ourselves approved, as a good worker ready to serve.

Secondly, we have to realize what it takes to accomplish these things, and find out how God wants us to serve.
1. You will always need to have a good prayer life to accomplish anything God calls you to do.
2. You will need to learn both your natural gifts or skills in life, and what Spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit has given you. If God has gifted you to sing, but you try to preach, then you will fail, but many could benefit from the anointing you have to sing. Very important to learn your gift an operate in it, and not to step outside that gift unless guided by the Holy Spirit.
3. You have to learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit. This means not interring into prayer looking for confirmation about your own desires. Every believer in the beginning thinks their own inner voice is the voice of God, and because of this many destroy their faith before it even has a chance to grow.
4. You will have to learn how to deal with your own pride. Pride will destroy any work you try to do for God. If you see a prideful person in leadership rebuke them privately, if they do not deal with their pride remove yourself from the project they are leading, even find a new church if the pastor or leadership is prideful and refuses to change. Pride is too dangerous to get involved with.

Now the best way to accomplish all of this is to start as a Intercessor. When you start as an Intercessor you will build the prayer life needed to accomplish God’s will for your life. You will overcome the obstacles the enemy puts in front of you, and find the strength to keep serving when times of testing come. As you pray God will show you the things that do not belong in your life. The things that hinder your prayers and service to Him. As you serve as an Intercessor God will show you what he has called you to do, and your spiritual gifts will be revealed.

You must also study God’s Word, or read the bible to be exact. There are many verses that tell us what we are to pray about, what we are to believe, speak, and do as A believer in Jesus Christ. You will not get any special assignments without prayer and studying the Word of God. You may trick yourself into believing you know your calling, but without prayer and studying the Bible, you will not get it from God, and will only be operating in your own strength and wisdom.

Now, study the bible. Start by reading one chapter a day, spend more time praying than you do reading. Remember Intercessory prayer is praying for others, not ourselves. God will even put on your heart who and what you should pray about. He might even wake you up in middle of the night to pray for someone. Just last week he gave me a dream that my earthly dad called me saying I need to pray for someone that I have never heard of. I knew God was calling me to pray for that person even though I did not know them, He told me what to pray for them. Now for any of you that think no one is praying for you, take heart that God has Intercessors that will obey His prompting to pray for a stranger. It is an awesome feeling knowing that God can trust you to wake up and pray for someone or a situation that you may never know the full circumstances, or be told thank you, or good job. You just do it because your heavenly Father needs people to be Intercessors.

Do spend time praying for yourself and others throughout the day every day, but make sure your Intercessory prayer time is for the needs of others. This is when your calling will be revealed, as well as everything you need to correct in your life to accomplish God’s will.

Bottom line start reading your bible and praying for others daily. This is the first step. In the next message in this series, we will talk about the hinderances to prayer, studying the Bible, and serving God.