
BBEV 1 Timothy Chapter 2

2:1 My desire is, first of all, that you will make requests and prayers and give praise for all men; 2:2 For kings and all those in authority; so that we may have a calm and quiet life in all fear of God and serious behaviour. 2:3 This is good and pleasing in the eyes of God our Saviour; 2:4 Whose desire is that all men may have salvation and come to the knowledge of what is true. 2:5 For there is one God and one peacemaker between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 2:6 Who gave himself as an offering for all; witness of which was to be given at the right time; 2:7 And of this I became a preacher and an Apostle (what I say is true, not false,) and a teacher of the Gentiles in the true faith. 2:8 It is my desire, then, that in every place men may give themselves to prayer, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or argument. 2:9 And that women may be dressed in simple clothing, with a quiet and serious air; not with twisted hair and gold or jewels or robes of great price; 2:10 But clothed with good works, as is right for women who are living in the fear of God. 2:11 Let a woman quietly take the place of a learner and be under authority. 2:12 In my opinion it is right for a woman not to be a teacher, or to have rule over a man, but to be quiet. 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve; 2:14 And Adam was not taken by deceit, but the woman, being tricked, became a wrongdoer. 2:15 But if they go on in faith and love and holy self-control, she will be kept safe at the time of childbirth.